Saturday Links and Life Lately

This has been a long week of re-acclimating and readjusting post-vacation. It's funny, we (I) missed New England so much, but once we returned I found myself thinking more positively, thinking of the ways in which my mindset needs to change in order to make Pittsburgh work for us. We're here, I better deal with it, right? I hope I don't sound like a broken record, I know I talk about this all the time, but outside of going away to college, this move was one of the...ballsiest things I've ever undertaken. Anyway, here's what else I've been up to, inspired -in part -by Sometimes Sweet:
Ok, I finished Girl Walks Into a Bar by Rachel Dratch. The story doesn't really get meaty until about three quarters of the way through the book, but overall, I enjoyed it. Especially the fact that Dratch doesn't try to tie things up too neatly in the end to please the reader. I did feel as though it could have been longer. The beginning of the book felt sort of preliminary, like "let me sum this up, so the end of the story makes sense"...if that makes sense. I'm still making my way through In One Person by John Irving. But haven't made it too far.
SEEING MAGIC MIKE TONIGHT. Yes, oh yes, it will be glorious. Also, two of our best New England friends are moving to Florida for grad school this week, and they're making a stop to see us! I feel so lucky to be able to see them twice within a month's time, and their sweet cat is making the trip with them. I'm expecting a fun night of wine on the porch, surrounded by lots of unhappy cats. And then there's next Friday, we're going to see The Queers and Agent Orange, I'm stoked.
Listening to:
On the rare occasion I remember to keep my headphones in my bag, I love listening to Kate's Music Monday posts while I'm at work. I've been growing tired of my typical music-your-parents-love standby's, so have been making an effort to branch out. Right now, I've fallen in love with Twin Shadow and White Magic.
Working on:
Stepping away. I spend the majority of my workday online, and definitely spend too much of my down-time online as well. After our ten day technology cleanse, I've been uncomfortable with how easy it was to fall back into my old habits of obsessively checking my phone, checking my email, etc. For my own sanity, I need to spend more of my time hands-on. I've been really happy with how much I've been reading lately, and I know I can work those old hobbies back into my life. I need to do these things to stay inspired and feel human. I've also found myself incredibly motivated, fitness-wise as of late. It was definitely rough going back to the gym after- admittedly- a fourteen-day hiatus. Really rough. But I feel really good about it, and in a way that hiatus was a positive reminder that going to the gym is- in the end- easier than not going. Plus, Chris said he wants to work out with me, and I'm so excited about that! And finally, another take-away from our trip home: I need to be better at keeping in touch with friends and family.
Hulu Plus is finally available on our Apple TV! This means we've been catching up on the Office, Modern Family, and...Glee. I can't help it, those damn kids with their singing. Also, did I mention Magic Mike? Because tonight I'll be watching that.
I've been thinking a lot about fall lately. Not necessarily wishing for it, but thinking about what I want my fall wardrobe to be. I feel as though my style changed a lot this summer, compared to seasons-past, and I want to be clear about what I want for myself. Be more intentional with my purchases for the coming season.
I'm really loving these suede booties from Lulu's, this is the ideal autumn shoe for me- so versatile.
On more of a summery note, I love this eco-friendly striped dress from Ruche, in fact, I'd like to be wearing it right now!
Have you checked out Spotted Moth's new arrivals lately? This striped skirt looks so cozy!
This pineapple-embellished romper from Bluesville, USA would be perfect as a beach cover-up. Receive 15% off your order with the code "orchidgrey" at checkout!
I love the simplicity of this necklace from InfinEight, it would look perfect layered under the collar of a shirt.
Loving these vintage-inspired animal belts: crocodile, tortoise, elephant, lion, bees! And this one too.
This week in cats and cat accessories: cat sneakers, magical- and slightly questionable- cat sweatshirt, cat flats, cat scarf.
More awesome sneakers. And how to make your own platform Vans.
A few more...
Love this post from BigBang! Studio.
Pumpkin lust cake? Sounds dreamy.
You can bet I'll be making these this weekend.
A few favorite Tumblrs: Calivintage, That Kind of Woman, The Clothes Horse.
Have a happy weekend!