Self Portrait with Braids

In this outfit:
Top: American Eagle ($25)
Skirt c/o Lulu's
Sandals c/o Blowfish (c. 2010)
Earrings c/o Noble Town Vintage (c. 2011)
Bag c/o Ruche
Flower: from my garden
Where I wore it: To the office on Friday
After two days of working from home and watching Zephyr like a hawk, I really needed to feel like I looked nice when I went back into the office last Friday. My work from home outfits often consist of cut-off shorts, flip flops, and a ratty sweatshirt or tee-shirt, the farthest thing from pretty or put-together. This outfit fit the bill perfectly, and as an added bonus, it felt like I was wearing pajamas. I've been relishing this late-summer weather, deciding to fully embrace the warmth and not force fall to get here faster than it needs to. This time of year, I often find myself adding a sweater here and there, maybe even breaking out an unnecessary pair of boots in anticipation of the season ahead. I know soon enough that I'll be freezing and dreary, pining for these sunny warm days. I'd better bask in it while I can.
Where I wore it: To the office on Friday
After two days of working from home and watching Zephyr like a hawk, I really needed to feel like I looked nice when I went back into the office last Friday. My work from home outfits often consist of cut-off shorts, flip flops, and a ratty sweatshirt or tee-shirt, the farthest thing from pretty or put-together. This outfit fit the bill perfectly, and as an added bonus, it felt like I was wearing pajamas. I've been relishing this late-summer weather, deciding to fully embrace the warmth and not force fall to get here faster than it needs to. This time of year, I often find myself adding a sweater here and there, maybe even breaking out an unnecessary pair of boots in anticipation of the season ahead. I know soon enough that I'll be freezing and dreary, pining for these sunny warm days. I'd better bask in it while I can.
And thank you also for those who wished us a happy anniversary! I sat for awhile yesterday morning, trying to find a picture to post to commemorate the day, and then I realized that I would rather just get-out and enjoy it. We went hiking on Sunday at Ohiopyle and out to an amazing dinner last night. I've been shooting a lot of our weekend trips on film and saving up the rolls, I have my fingers crossed they come out, and if they do, I'll be sure to post some.
And one more thank you, to the kind reader who said hello to me this weekend: I'm sorry I was awkward and caught off guard. My mind was thinking about my long walk home from where I was, thank you for saying hello!
PS- If you'd like to recreate this braided hairstyle, the instructions can be found here. For more hairstyling tips, click here.