Wedding Bells

Petticoat: altered vintage ($10)
Tap shorts (similar) c/o Ruche
Heels: Seychelles (bought on super sale from work but still available here)
Belt: J.Crew outlet ($24)
Where I wore it: To my oldest friend's wedding!
When we first began planning our trip home, one thing we knew was exactly which date we would be planning around: July 20th, the date of my oldest friend's wedding. Let me tell you, I love weddings, and when I found out Spring was engaged, I was over the moon! She and I have been friends since before we were born, our mothers met in Lamaze class, and the rest is history.
A fancy occasion called for a fancy dress, something that- surprisingly- I felt my closet to be lacking. I have plenty of slightly dressier dresses, and honestly I probably could have found something to wear (let's not kid ourselves) but when I spied this neon 60's dress in the Dear Golden shop, I snatched it up. I fell in love with the psychedelic print- which reminds me of vintage surf movies- and love how it contrasts with the lady-like silhouette, plus it's light and airy and perfect for dancing. And let me tell you, I'm a dancer. By that, I don't mean that I took dance lessons- I'm a ballet drop-out- what I mean is: I freaking love to dance. Is there music, preferably the kind your parents like? Is there space to twirl and wave my arms around? Good, that's all I need. Also, these shoes: I lasted all night in them, which is unprecedented.
It was great to be up in Belfast again, one of my favorite parts of Maine that I rarely get to visit. Chris and I stayed in a motel, and wandered around the village for awhile the next morning, before heading back towards Portland. I was hoping to find the carved pilings from the last time I was there, but no such luck, the tide was up and my memory of where they actually were was fuzzy. The last time I was in Belfast, I was an admissions counselor, which feels like a million years ago. It's crazy how much life can change in three years.