
(I got a Bamboo tablet, please bear with me as I accost you with my artless handwriting, I'm still getting used to it)
(This looked completely OK to me last night, boy was I wrong)
(This looked completely OK to me last night, boy was I wrong)
I'm breaking things up this week, let me know what you guys think: keep things together as a Friday Favorites & Life Lately/ Currently post (as I've generally been doing), or two separate posts? We'll see, let me know. Regardless, I'm testing things out.
I'm Currently...
Thinking about:
This week has been the complete antithesis of last, where last week was a string of rainy, dark, and stress-filled days, this week has been full of sun and crisp weather and bright trees. I set out to have a good week, and it seems the weather was on my side. It happened, I'm glad. I've been trying to take it easy this week. If it isn't obvious, I have a natural tendency towards stress and over working myself, so it can take a lot to slow myself down and just relax. Remember when I told you on Friday that the cats were having some issues? Well, we thought they had been resolved, but tensions flared on Sunday morning and things got bad. Real bad. It got to the point where I found myself discussing the possibility of one of them going to live with my mom, which would be the last thing we'd want to happen. We've kept them mostly separated this week, but they had a little reunion yesterday after four days of separation, which resulted in a ten minute make-out sesh between the two of them. We're seeing the vet on Tuesday, which I know will make me feel better and hopefully help to get some answers. I just want them to be OK and happy.
Hiking Mt. Davis on Sunday with Chris. I can't wait, it's been quite awhile since we did an ambitious hike, and with the foliage being so vibrant, I know it will be beautiful. Plus, we'll get to see a new part of the state together, which I'm so excited for. Unfortunately his schedule was switched back to only having a Sunday off here and there, so we're back to having only a couple of days off together each month, which is incredibly frustrating. To combat this unfortunate schedule, we've made a resolution to wake up a little earlier a few times a week to grab coffee and breakfast together before work. I think this will be a nice way to spend some extra time together, especially when the days get so short.
The theatre in our neighborhood is running Halloween-themed midnight movies for the month of October. Last weekend I saw Rosemary's Baby with a few friends, and this week they're playing Friday the 13th, which I've never actually seen. Unfortunately because of our early wake-up time for the hike on Sunday I think we'll have to skip it, but I'm looking forward to maybe catching one more before the end of the month. I love midnight movies, there was a little theatre close to where Chris and I grew up that would hold midnight screenings of Rocky Horror (my favorite) close to Halloween. I miss getting all dressed up and throwing rice at the screen!
Nothing new. I treated myself to a few magazines last week, so right now I'm thoroughly engrossed in articles from Foam and Bust. I'm about halfway through The Paris Wife, and like it more than I did at first, but I'm not in love with it. A trip to the library is in order.
I'm happy to say I've made a dent in at least one of my fall goals: cook more often! Last weekend I made this super easy zucchini lasagna. I can vouch that it is indeed good (though I used ricotta instead of cottage cheese), but it's messy. Use a bowl. Also, while I'll most likely continue to steer clear of posting recipes on this blog (I just do not have the skills to adequately photograph food), I have been working on some recipes for the ModCloth blog, I posted my first last week, you can see my recipe for quiche here.
Excited for:
The Style Summit tomorrow (also completely nervous and slightly intimidated). Visiting Veronika in Philadelphia next weekend. A day trip to NYC in two weeks for a big work project. That vet appointment on Tuesday. Hiking. I am so excited for hiking.
What have you been up to?
Post inspired by Danielle of Sometimes Sweet, stay tuned for Friday Favorites!)