Jewel Tone

Dress: Darling (ModCloth)
Jacket: Thread & Supply (ModCloth)
Scarf: (ModCloth)
Tights: AA super opaque ($25)
Wedges c/o Spotted Moth
Necklace c/o InfinEight
Where I wore it: To the office & to a friend's clothing swap
Yesterday started off on a pretty awful note with our visit to the vet's office, I'll just say that I'm happy I decided to wear jeans and a tee shirt and dress for work after the whole affair. Normally very calm, both cats were nervous wrecks and both attempted to hide in the garbage can in the exam room. The vet was incredibly kind though, and it looks like poor Zeb will have to go on medication for a little while to help with his sudden aggression.
All that aside, once we all got home, it was time to dress for work, and dress I did. After a stressful morning, I really just wanted to feel nice, so I put together a favorite dress, two new items I ordered last week, and these amazing leopard-print shoes. I've actually been wearing these shoes non-stop lately, but every time I try to get a photo-- it rains! I love this fall weather, but getting outfit shots has become something that needs to be a well-timed activity.
Anyway, after work I headed over to Kate's house for a clothing swap, which ended up being exactly what I needed to finish out a busy day. Oh, how I've missed swapping! I came away with a few great items, though most of them are a little too summery for right now.
Do you have a strategy for dressing on busy or stressful days? I'll admit it was nice to have a few new things to wear, but usually I'll head in the direction of a favorite dress and easy shoes.