A Few Small Goals for February

Oh February, how did you sneak up so fast? I'll admit, I'm OK with bidding January goodbye. It was a tough month with ridiculous weather and not enough room to breathe. I'm happy to report that I did manage to accomplish most of my January goals: I'm feeling like I'm standing on solid ground with my blog content, Chris and I joined a new gym and we're loving it, I got my hair cut- more on that one later- but not colored, and I unplugged just a little bit more- though not as much as I would have liked. The only one that definitely didn't get accomplished was going for a walk everyday, and I don't even have an excuse, I just didn't do it. So, it's a new month with new goals, here they are:
Plan a day trip or two
It looks like Chris will finally have some weekend days off this month, and I would love to go someplace new with him. Mostly, I just really want to go snowboarding. We didn't go at all last year, and it's something that I miss. With Seven Springs and Snowshoe so close by, this goal shouldn't be difficult to accomplish.
Do our taxes
This goal is so not exciting, but last year I waited until the last minute and just prolonged the stress. We have to do them and this is the month to do it.
Create an inspiring space
Our office is the messiest room in our apartment, and the last place anyone wants to spend any time. I want to clean it out and start over, putting some of my ideas to work. We're lucky to have the extra space, so it should be well utilized.
Spend more time with friends
I have a tendency to be a bit of a hermit, especially in the winter. If I have a free day, I'm perfectly happy to spend it doing things on my own. This is a habit I would like to break and actually work on building the friendships I've made here.
Enjoy Valentines Day
I don't dislike Valentines Day because of Hallmark, or the blatant display of affections, it's just too much pressure. Valentines Day just stresses me out. But it's also an excuse to make cards and send notes to people, and that's what I would like to do. And maybe go on a nice date, because why not?
Make a list of the books I'd like to read, and then read them
I'm a window shopper when it comes to books, picking up what looks interesting when I'm at the library instead of sticking to the ever-growing list in my head. I gotta write this stuff down, because I have a feeling that I'd be much more interested in the book on my nightstand if it were something I actually planned and had a desire to read.
So, there they are. A few small goals. Do you have anything you're hoping to accomplish this month? Feel free to share your goals in the comments!
Plan a day trip or two
It looks like Chris will finally have some weekend days off this month, and I would love to go someplace new with him. Mostly, I just really want to go snowboarding. We didn't go at all last year, and it's something that I miss. With Seven Springs and Snowshoe so close by, this goal shouldn't be difficult to accomplish.
Do our taxes
This goal is so not exciting, but last year I waited until the last minute and just prolonged the stress. We have to do them and this is the month to do it.
Create an inspiring space
Our office is the messiest room in our apartment, and the last place anyone wants to spend any time. I want to clean it out and start over, putting some of my ideas to work. We're lucky to have the extra space, so it should be well utilized.
Spend more time with friends
I have a tendency to be a bit of a hermit, especially in the winter. If I have a free day, I'm perfectly happy to spend it doing things on my own. This is a habit I would like to break and actually work on building the friendships I've made here.
Enjoy Valentines Day
I don't dislike Valentines Day because of Hallmark, or the blatant display of affections, it's just too much pressure. Valentines Day just stresses me out. But it's also an excuse to make cards and send notes to people, and that's what I would like to do. And maybe go on a nice date, because why not?
Make a list of the books I'd like to read, and then read them
I'm a window shopper when it comes to books, picking up what looks interesting when I'm at the library instead of sticking to the ever-growing list in my head. I gotta write this stuff down, because I have a feeling that I'd be much more interested in the book on my nightstand if it were something I actually planned and had a desire to read.
So, there they are. A few small goals. Do you have anything you're hoping to accomplish this month? Feel free to share your goals in the comments!