
These two, they kill me
After a week of feeling under the weather with bronchitis and one monster of a cold, I am finally feel on the mend. Despite having hypochondriac-tendencies, I can be pretty awful about taking care of myself when I'm sick, but this time I was forced to slow down and I feel as though I actually allowed myself the time I needed to get well. I usually force myself back to work prematurely, which is bad for me an everyone else! So, lots of TV, magazines, and sleep for me these past few days:
Say it with me now: Post! Civil! War! Dramas! Whoo! Exciting, right? I finished up Hatfields & McCoys last night, a History Channel miniseries, and I highly recommend it. The famous Hatfield/McCoy feud wasn't something I had given much thought to, but the cast is pretty amazing and it's very well shot. Well worth watching. I also just started Hell on Wheels, and so far am enjoying it. I'm also almost done with the second season of The Killing, have you seen this one? If you like Twin Peaks, there are a lot of parallels that can be drawn between the two: Pacific Northwest setting, murdered girl, secret lives.
Still reading My Life in France! Whoo, it's great, but taking me for-ev-er. I was warned beforehand that it slows down significantly about halfway through and that assessment is correct. I love how openly Julia Child talks about almost not getting her book published, I feel like My Life in France is one giant inspirational quote, but so much better. Next I'm on to Lean In and The Omnivore's Dilemma.
We made Scotch Eggs this week (don't write it off because it's "paleo", really it's just meat and eggs, seriously- make them), and they were so easy! I first had a scotch egg at the Ace Hotel in NY last year (wasn't staying there, just eating their food) and- because it was the Ace Hotel- I figured they would require some sort of complicated magic to create. Nope, super easy and SO good. I've also recently become obsessed with Mara Natha sunflower seed butter, it tastes almost like peanut butter, but better.
Listening to
Richard Thompson, David Byrne, Caspian (from Beverly!), Joy Division.
Thinking about
I recently read this article from The Atlantic- it's about relationships vs. ambition and staying in your hometown vs. moving away for work, you know, if you don't feel like clicking on the link- and while it didn't necessarily raise any new issues for me, it solidified the fact that I think I will always feel conflicted about living away from my family and closest friends. While I know this is an important time of growth for the two of us, I often get nervous about being so far away from those I love. I worry something will happen and we won't be there, that we'll miss things, that we'll miss what's important. This is something I think about constantly, and could probably write a whole lot more about.
Excited about
We move in a little over a month! I'm so excited to have a larger studio space and better light, there are so many projects I've had on hold because of space issues, and I can't wait to get started on them. I'm also just excited to be in a new space.
EDIT- For those of you waiting on my Whole30 post- I'm sorry! I haven't forgotten about it, just trying to find the time to sit down and write it!