
Just a few snapshots from over the past few weeks (A.K.A. mostly photos of Zephyr, because he's cute). Life lately has been especially hectic, we're finishing up cleaning out the old apartment, and cleaning up the new one. Going on week two of living amongst a pretty serious mess- stacks of books, bags of clothes, boxes and bags of kitchen items that have yet to find homes- I'm so over it and so exhausted. Like, just incredibly exhausted. It's seemingly impossible to catch up on sleep these days. And I swear, we lose Zephyr on a daily basis under all of this stuff. I come home and I call his name, and it takes about five minutes for this cat to wiggle his way out of whatever little area he's burrowed in to. Adorable, but also distressing because I keep imagining his escape. Fingers crossed our new stove arrives tomorrow, because we're also going on two weeks of not having something to cook on, which got old after about ten minutes. I'm sick of smoothies and salads and take-out.
Whining aside, it's not all bad though, after a year and a half of living in Pittsburgh, we're just now starting to feel like we actually live here. It's amazing how living in close proximity to things can change your perspective of a place, allow for more of a connection. Our days feel longer, we're motivated to get out and do stuff, even if it's just a walk to the grocery store. What a luxury. I'm starting to feel like a normal human being again, coming out of eighteen months of mopey hibernation. Which is only sort of an exaggeration.
In other news, I'm fiercely craving a vacation. But it's just not gonna happen. So there's that. At this point I'd settle for a full eight hours of sleep. A sleep vacation!