A Few Small Goals for July

Happy July! I skipped setting goals for June, knowing full well that the entire month would be dominated by moving. And I was right. I barely remember June. But July is here and we're all moved out and all moved in (if you count piles of random crap 'moved in'), and I can't wait to enjoy the rest of summer. My general goal for July is just to make the most of summer in Pittsburgh, which is lovely, also, I really need to hop back on the "acting like a grown-up" bandwagon and do things that are responsible (i.e. pretty boring), as in:
Have a clothing sale
This has been on the back burner for some time now. I've been meaning to host a clothing sale on Instagram or Ebay or some other platform for awhile and just haven't had the extra time. But I'd like to do this, it'd be nice to make a little extra room in my closet and lighten the load a little, mentally and materially. As a bit of a clothes hoarder, I'm pretty proud of how much stuff I've been able to part with.
Get a haircut
Confession: I'm incredibly lazy- and impatient- when it comes to my hair. Which is why I keep it long. But, even long hair needs to be maintained and my hair has once again reached the point of weed-like wildness that I just can't deal with. It is time. Also, I wanna look good for Texas!
These goals are super exciting, right?
Go hiking!
Have a clothing sale
This has been on the back burner for some time now. I've been meaning to host a clothing sale on Instagram or Ebay or some other platform for awhile and just haven't had the extra time. But I'd like to do this, it'd be nice to make a little extra room in my closet and lighten the load a little, mentally and materially. As a bit of a clothes hoarder, I'm pretty proud of how much stuff I've been able to part with.
Get a haircut
Confession: I'm incredibly lazy- and impatient- when it comes to my hair. Which is why I keep it long. But, even long hair needs to be maintained and my hair has once again reached the point of weed-like wildness that I just can't deal with. It is time. Also, I wanna look good for Texas!
These goals are super exciting, right?
Go hiking!
We haven't been hiking since last fall, and I'm craving it. Now that our weekends are freed up, I'd love to take an Ohiopyle trip.
Read more
I've been taking full advantage of the city pools this year, and I'm looking for some pool-side reading! Any recommendations?
Build my desk and create an inspiring space
My old desk consisted of an Ikea table-top stacked on top of two filing cabinets. Functional, but not fun. We have all the plans to build a simple desk for me and a workspace for Chris, but at the moment that particular room of our place is packed to the brim with the extraneous stuff in our lives. I can't wait to have a nice, spacious office/studio!
Well, that's it. Nothing groundbreaking, but it helps to list them out. What do you hope to accomplish in July?