November Goals

Setting goals for each month, whether concrete (go for a hike!) or more abstract (be present.), has been a way for me to feel in control. To not allow the month to slip past me in a blur of work and home priorities, of stress and deadlines, to actually make some time for the things that I love to do. But, lately it's not working and I've felt so disconnected from myself when I'm not at work. I've been frustrated by this; I love my job, and I love blogging, but it's not my life. I need to make time for the things that make me happy that don't take place behind a screen, and for the things that will enrich my life.
So this is how I'm starting November: fresh. My overarching goal for this month is to be mindful. Mindful of my time, my body, and my brain.
//Start each weekend with yoga
Groggily checking my gym's class schedule this past Saturday morning, I was happy to discover there's a late-morning class. Win! This was the perfect bridge between work-week and weekend, and allowed me to check my stress at the door. Once a week on a Saturday is much more realistic for me right now than twice a week after work, so that's what's happening.
//Break out of my style rut
I've been in a vicious cycle of jeans, sweater, boots lately, due largely in part to rushing out of the house each morning to get to work early. This uniform is fine, really, but frankly I'm bored and it's time to shake things up.
//Run the Turkey Trot
It's November, which means: Thanksgiving! I ran the Turkey Trot last year for the first time, and it was the perfect addition to our low-key Thanksgiving. Now, I just need to convince Chris to run it with me this year!
//Get to work early