
A big man with a little tree on a very cold Thanksgiving
Reading >> Old Readymade and Domino magazines. In hopes of finding some 2014 inspiration. Slowly making my way through an old copy of The Witches of Eastwick.
Watching >> National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. A few too many times. Craving more old movies.
Making >> Lots of treats for work. Fun because it's baking, work because it's work, though. Also, lots of ornaments. Which is just fun.
Feeling >> Exhausted and like it's time for a vacation. I've been moving at a mile-a-minute pace lately, and am finding it difficult to slow down.
Searching >> For the perfect Christmas gifts.
Wanting >> To slow the pace and enjoy this season.
Anticipating >> New England, family, Christmas shopping in Portland with my mom. No internet. Catching up with friends.
Loving >> Snow on the ground. Ridiculously cold temperatures. A very snuggly cat.
Thinking >> About how I'll be thirty soon. And what that means, and what I want. And of course, how I'll celebrate.
Craving >> More weekends. More snow. More sleep. More time for inspiration. More time to make. More time in general.
Working on >> Finishing our office. Mustering the energy to have a 'Shop my Closet' sale. Downsizing. Forever downsizing.
Baking >> Gingerbread cookies for work, lots of paleo muffins for the week's breakfasts, roasting lots of root vegetables.
Struggling >> With striking the right balance between work and life. I don't like to use the term 'balance' in this regard, but there's no better word for it right now. My life has felt out of whack lately and I have the bags beneath my eyes to prove it.
Wearing >> Lots of plaids and wool, layers, pullover sweaters. Hats. It's pretty darn cold (or at least it was this weekend)
Catching up >> On outfit posts. I discovered a set of photos that were taken in late-October that I never edited. So expect a bit of time travel later this week.