
I love the color of amethyst, and carry a small piece with me at almost all times, sometimes on a necklace, sometimes just in my pocket. The stone is said to have healing properties and promote fearlessness in it's wearer - whether that's true or not is up for discussion, but hey, a little courage never hurt. La Mer recently sent me this watch from their latest collection, I really love the detachable chain and amethyst pendants that come with it. Like a bracelet, watch, and little dose of courage all rolled into one. I love jewelry that takes a more organic form, while I can admire all those bright, bold statement necklaces that line store shelves, they're just not for me (most of the time). I much prefer wrapped-up bracelets, stacks of long chain necklaces, and strange, oddly shapes rings. I need a better shot of these necklaces, because they're perfect.
Jewelry is the easy part these days, I'm officially at desperation status clothing-wise and have taken to wearing my summer dresses over jeans. Yes, just like it's 1995 all over again. This particular outfit was the third iteration of the style, and I admit to really liking it.
Wearing: Coat: Vintage/Thrifted // Jacket: F21 (so old) // Dress: Swapped // Jeans: H&M // hat: Target // Boots: Jeffrey Campbell // Necklaces c/o Seahag & Walrus // Watch c/o La Mer Collections