
Considering: Stopping by my college to drop a note in an old photography professor's mailbox.
Making: Use of my morning to answer emails (finally) and send thanks to recent collaborators, because I've been pretty bad about that lately.
Eating: All the snacks. We're on the road, so yesterday consisted of foods that tasted great but caused my stomach to feel terrible. I'll never learn my lesson.
Drinking: A soy latte. It's very large.

Reading: Gone Girl. I finally went to the library and paid off my $5 fine. Now I have all the books.
Wanting: Someone to give me all the answers.
Looking: At how much my old town has changed. The last time I was here, everything seemed to be flourishing, this time, while there's a lot of new, some old stand-bys have shuttered. It's sad.
Wasting: A perfectly good avocado. I left it in the car last night, and I fear it can't be saved.
Enjoying: The company of people I love.
Waiting: For Chris to wake the f! up. It's only 9:00 a.m. though and we have the day off.
Planning: To make a stop at Savers in Portsmouth, NH. Chris doesn't know about this yet.
Loving: The smell of the ocean, the feeling of fog.

Hoping: I get to go to Portland on Sunday. I want to see boats.
Touching: Other people's cats.
Wearing: An oversize football jersey-style tee, jeans that only make me feel confident 50% of the time, "white" (dirty) chuck taylors, a motorcycle jacket. Yesterday's clothes.
Thinking: That I have to get my shit together. I've been stressed lately and haven't been treating myself with as much care as I should.
Feeling: Nostalgic.
Knowing: That we have the best cat.

I mean, really.