
Not going to ... apologize for not blogging. Why is it so tempting to say you're sorry after an absence? For being human and not being on the internet? Eh. Whatever. Hi! How are you what's up? I'm great. I've been taking some much needed time lately to just adjust and just ... be. I've needed time to get aquainted to my new surroundings, get comfortable at my new job, and get moved into my new apartment. I love it all, but I can't believe it's already August. This summer has flown by, and I'm not ready for it to end. It feels like I've spent this entire season in transition. Either I was anticipating moving, in the process of moving, or just finally moving -- constantly in motion and always looking ahead, which is exactly how you make something go by too quickly.
Watching ... Pitch Perfect, and feeling real happy about it. Also, every single season of Girls. And Big Love. And Game of Thrones. I'm still living in a hotel and hotel TV is awesome. At the same time though, I'm looking forward to not having the distraction around once we're in our new place. I watch enough Netflix as it is, I do not need cable.
Eating ... my way through Philly and trying really hard not to beat myself up about not being as disciplined as I normally try to be (try being the operative word here). I'm a creature of habit, so when my schedule gets disrupted it kind of screws me up and my sweet tooth takes over, and man, do i have a wicked sweet tooth. Whatever. Philly has some amazing food. So far, my favorite meal has been at Twenty Manning on 20th street. So good. But, I'm really looking forward to getting into our place and cooking again.
Working on ... and on that note, I've been working on being kinder to myself, listening to my body more, and just accepting the fact that I'm human.
Creeping on ... everyone's dogs at work. Oh man, there are SO many cute dogs at the office, I can't handle it. There's a pet supply store near where we're staying that partner's with Operation Ava, and they always have the sweetest adoptable dogs there. I'm a little dog-crazy lately.
Excited about ... moving! Chris is finally back in Philadelphia after spending a week in Pittsburgh packing the rest of our stuff, and we'll be spending this weekend trying to sort out our new space. So far, my conclusion is that we have too much shit and we need to get rid of most of it.
Anticipating ... seeing my family soon. We'll be heading up to Cape Cod this month for a family party and I'm looking forward to seeing a side of my family that I don't see as often as I'd like. I also haven't been to my grandparent's house for a few years, and I can't wait to walk down to the beach.
Laughing at ... my incredibly funny husband. The man can bust a move and I love him for it.
Wearing ... cut-offs and tees on most days. I've been busy and most of my clothes are packed, hence the lack of outfit posts. I've pretty much been wearing the same thing every day.
Craving ... coffee. It's early and we've run out.
Planning ... to spend my Sunday unpacking out apartment.
Loving ... work. And happy to be able to say so.