Autumnal Goals

The equinox, especially the autumnal equinox, is a time to seek balance, and that's exactly what I intend to do this year. What I need to do. It's always struck me as funny -- really sort of counter intuitive -- that our busiest season, whether it's with work, school, social calendars, etc is a time when the earth is putting itself to bed and allowing itself to rest. Why don't we do the same? I'm pretty good at taking care of myself physically, but it's become clear these past few months that I also need to practice better self care when it comes to my mental well-being. I need to take the time.
I recently wrote about the idea of "taking time" for work, and someone left a comment that really stuck with me. Basically, it boils down to: Devote an hour each day to your own personal wellness. It's such a simple idea, but one that easily gets lost in the fray. "Wellness" can mean anything, really, that you do for yourself, reading, working out, volunteering ... whatever. Unfortunately it's an idea that has been a bit lost to me lately. On this (almost) equally balanced day I'm making the resolution to seek balance in my life this season.