Life... Behind the Scenes 1

What life looks like for me lately. Lots of wandering, attempts at beating the cold, discovering more hidden corners of Philly. Always seeking balance, seeking restfulness, and an escape from the winter doldrums.
+ I tried putting Glee on as background noise and it. is. unbearable. Back to The Gilmore Girls it is.
+ I've devoted this month to getting our place in proper order and about 85% of it feels great. We bought some new plants: a cat-friendly snake plant and a little bamboo, which seems to have come with a sign on it that says "Zephyr Eat Me." Pure feline destruction... the other 15% of our apartment, however, is a disaster.
+ I am finally (finally!) getting back into a fitness routine and it feels so, SO good! Oh how my now-limp muscles missed being worked. I feel like I am slowly getting back to myself after a few months of being in a strange headspace.
+ I'm missing the funeral of a good friend's father this week and I'm feeling upset about it. We got to see him over the holidays, but when something like this happens the realities of being far from family (and "family") is put in stark reality.
+ Someone stole a bunch of stuff from my brother's car this weekend, judging by what they took, they likely needed it (sleeping bags, coats, etc.), but the thing is, my brother needed that stuff too. It just bums me out.
+ The Kiki Smith engagement gift bit in Gilmore Girls? Yeah, I totally wouldn't turn my nose up at "Wolf Girl".
+ I'm in love with the Narnia murals on the 4th Street Milk & Honey windows. One of my favorite book series.
How is life for you lately?