Cactus Flower

If there's one city that wins "Best Shopping" in the awards show of my mind, it is absolutely, hands-down, undeniably Austin. I always find what I'm looking for, even when I don't know I'm looking for it. Usually when I don't know I'm looking for it. It wasn't a conscious decision, but it seems as if earrings are my thing whenever I'm in this city - nearly each and every time I visit, I come home with a new pair and when I spied these dramatic leather and concho earrings by Heyoka Leather at Feathers while I was there for work, I knew they would be mine. This trip was a frenetic one to be sure, with barely any time for exploration or diverging from the set schedule, so I was thankful to have a short reprieve from the grind to meet with Emily and Christina from Feathers for some photos for BLDG 25. Feathers has long been my favorite place to shop -- I could honestly live there, and I don't say that about many places that don't house my couch and cat.
I wore these beauties almost all weekend - to the showcase and then to CAMP, where Liz kindly took these pics for me. There's something about Texas that makes me feel amazing. Even with frizzy hair and muddy boots -- maybe because of the muddy boots. Even when fire ants are exacting their revenge on my Birkenstocked feet. And in the rain, this state is even more beautiful, vibrant, and lush and green, with cacti dotting the landscape. I'll gladly go back, just tell me when.
Get the look: Vintage jacket - gift from my mama (similar vintage/ similar new) // Free People Top // old H&M Jeans (similar) // Frye boots from a clothing swap (similar) // Heyoka Leather earrings from Feather's Boutique // Free People bra