Here & There 6.13

Excited to welcome Bella & Chloe as a sponsor - how gorgeous is this vintage barrette? Vintage turquoise heaven.
How beautiful is this vintage Edwardian camisole? It would look amazing with high-waisted flares and clogs.
Always love reading other blogger's life lately posts - this was a great one from Angela.
The perfect color for summer - love these blue wedges (options here).
Summer denim in pretty colors - love this dress.
I've been following this story and think the tattooer was in the right- thoughts?
My favorite summer shoes.
Things to worry about.
Such a pretty top.
Joan Didion keeping it real, always
Yup - these look delicious.
Love these classic swimsuits for summer.
Pretty haircolor.
How cute are these cute shorts - so sweet with an eyelet tank.
Meet Louisa Wendorff
The perfect pillow for your summer decor
Can't wait to try this cookbook