En Scene

Let's not pretend this outfit hasn't been worn before, but a good thing is a good thing and in my weakened state (hello, annual summer cold) my mind turned to "hey, maybe getting dressed will make me feel better." It didn't, but I felt cute despite my severe congestion and general crappyness (that's a word, right? Please pretend it is). I love the pairing of this top and skirt, and the addition of black lace-up sandals makes the whole thing feel more complete than my old brown pair, summer perfection.
If there's one thing I'm terrible at (lies, I'm terrible at a lot of things) it's taking care of myself when I'm sick, especially in the summer. My mind is all "it's so nice out! Why do you feel so crappy, body? Let's do stuff!" and my body's all "I hate you." Despite Chris' pleas for me to take a nap, I force myself to stay awake, against better judgement. And yes, I'm that person. I'm that person who drags herself to work with a cold. I know. Not only setting an awful example but eventually having to admit defeat and drag myself back home (this has happened twice this week). So... I need to get better at this. Because it's no way to live. Any tips?
If there's one thing I'm terrible at (lies, I'm terrible at a lot of things) it's taking care of myself when I'm sick, especially in the summer. My mind is all "it's so nice out! Why do you feel so crappy, body? Let's do stuff!" and my body's all "I hate you." Despite Chris' pleas for me to take a nap, I force myself to stay awake, against better judgement. And yes, I'm that person. I'm that person who drags herself to work with a cold. I know. Not only setting an awful example but eventually having to admit defeat and drag myself back home (this has happened twice this week). So... I need to get better at this. Because it's no way to live. Any tips?
Get the look: Thrifted top (similar) // Madewell skirt // Free People sandals (options here) // Vintage necklace // Vintage bag // Vintage bracelet