The Tropics in October: Favorite Green Smoothie Bowl

Yesterday morning, I subbed a scoop of Vitamineral Green, which tastes like green tea and basically consists of every good-for-you green thing on the planet, for my usual handful of spinach and the results were delicious... and really, really green. A little tropical, a little spicy. If you're tired of pumpkin and apple everything, try this. It might be cold, but winter is long, and there's plenty of time to figure out oatmeal between now and May.
1 banana, chopped and frozen
Small handful frozen pineapple
1/4 - 1/2 avocado
1 tsp Vitamineral Green
1 tbsp organic maca
2 tbsp hemp protein or hemp seeds
dash of cinnamon, turmeric, and ginger
splash of water
Place all ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. Add more water or coconut milk if it's too thick, but not too much. Ideal consistency (in my opinion) should be like ice cream.
Transfer to a bowl and top with what inspires you. I used slivered almonds and shredded unsweetened coconut.