Vintage-Inspired Maxi Dress + Coffee

Late spring and summer is maxi dress season for me, when dressing up -- and getting dressed in general -- becomes just a little easier. I love the simplicity of throwing on a dress, adding a few accessories, and going on my way (though I think it's funny that i felt way dressed up in this outfit, one that wouldn't have cause me to blink a few years ago). I picked up this dress and necklace on sale from work a few months ago, and both have quickly become favorites in my wardrobe. I love the vintage feel of this maxi, one part '30s, one part '90s, and it's quite possibly one of the most comfortable things I own right now. The next best thing to jeans and a tee, but much prettier.
Get the look:
Free People dress (similar / similar)
Vintage hat (similar more black brim hats here)
Jeffrey Campbell boots
Vintage Lee denim jacket (more denim jackets here)
Vintage Coach purse
Rose lapel pins