Here & There 6.18

How rad is this vintage skirt?
Etsy faves: Love this spooky card set, this gorgeous ring, this gorgeous ring!, this encouraging wall hanging, this cute card case,
Cute vintage-style pieces for summer (love those swimsuits!)
OB-SESSED with this cool t-shirt brand
How cool are these earrings? The remind me of Falling Water...
A list of unconventionally hot men (I'll take Adrian Brody, Adam Driver, and Ludacris, please and thank you... sorrychrisloveyou)
The perfect summer picnic dress
"What Do You Mean It's 1985"
Gorgeous silver boho jewelry for summer (love this indie jewelry brand too)
This camera looks perfect for summer
Amy and Anna swap lives
I'd love to put this rug in our hallway
Really want to add these boots to my collection - perfect for summer and fall
I need this butt pillow (seriously, you don't?)
How to feel better