Philadelphia > NYC

In case you missed it -- and you probably did because other than on Instagram, I haven't mentioned much -- I have a new job, and a sorta-not-really new city. (!!!) I started my new chapter a few weeks ago when I joined the brand marketing team at Etsy. A huge decision, but one I'm so excited about, for so many reasons. A big one being that I'll eventually be a remote employee working from home, wherever home may be. As someone who has relocated for every step of my career thus far, from Maine to Massachusetts to Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, that's huge. But, the operative word back there is eventually. For the next month or so, I'm commuting a few days at a time from Philly to NYC, and living out of a hotel room while I get settled with my new team and new company (the whole thing reminds me so much of my days as an admissions counselor, minus the embarrassing amount of Panera and car karaoke).

Grafea leather backpack (more colors here)
Free People sunglasses
Blackhorne crescent keychain
As you might imagine, the shakeup in my schedule has been a whirlwind, one part awesome, one part exhausting. I love the fact that my days are unpredictable, that I've shaken off the home-car-office-gym-home schedule, what I don't love so much is dragging a roller case through the NYC subway system (but man, I think I may have found a great substitute for the gym!). But when I find myself cursing that suitcase and missing home (and I do miss home and the husband and cat therein... a lot), I have to remind myself what unique experience this is. Like a lot of kids who grew up in the country, when I was younger I imagined myself running off to New York as soon as I was old enough. Before I discovered photography, I had dreams of being a fashion designer, and that's just where you went. To New York. Right? Of course -- and obviously -- priorities changed, and as I got older, my desire to live in the city lessened and lessened, but I love that I get to experience it now on a more regular basis and in more digestible amounts of time... and then come home to Philly, a city that now seems so much quieter and spacious compared to the fray and frenetics of NYC. Until I make the jump to being full-time remote, I'm taking advantage. Seeing as many friends as I can, and exploring as much as possible in the hours before and after work, and trying to figure out the best commuter situation in the process. Two hours, three states, two trains and an Uber... sneakers and a backpack (and a good book) are necessary not-so-evils. I've been living in my Allbirds, quite possibly the world's most comfortable sneakers that go with pretty much everything, and picked up a simple leather backpack when I learned I got the job. Next up? A hard-case roller suitcase, or at least some kind of quality luggage. My Wal-Mart bargain of 10 years ago is not holding up (15???? oh my god it was 15 years ago....).
Do you have a crazy long commute? Any recommendations? Have a suitcase you like? Help!
PS - You'll still be able to find me on the Free People blog and The Style Line, where I'll be staying on as a contributing writer :)