WORN: Floral Dress + Leather Jacket for the Holidays

Free People dress
Free People boots
Schott jacket
Blacksprings Folk Art coffin ring
Just a quick note to say 'hello'. We're in holiday recovery mode today, because apparently too much relaxing can be exhausting. This past weekend was exactly what I wanted it to be, a chance to recoup from the past few months, and, unexpectedly, a chance to celebrate Chris' new job! We already had a nice dinner out planned for Christmas Eve, but his good news made the occasion all the more festive. Not only will he be in an environment that more aligns with what he wants to be doing, but he'll have weekends off now. We've never had weekends off together. NEVER. After 13 years, this is pretty life-altering.
Anyway, this is what I wore for our Christmas Eve dinner out, which I believe will be a new tradition for us. Christmas Eve has always held just a little more meaning for me, as my family tended to celebrate on that night, rather than Christmas Day. I've always loved the anticipation in the air, the festive hustle to finish everything up. It was so nice to not have to worry about what we'd cook, since it's just the two of us, and just focus on each other. We went to Talula's Daily here in the city, stopping into Jones beforehand for a couple of pre-dinner drinks. Dinner was amazing, and afterwards we just went home and watched a movie. Pretty perfect in my book. This dress is always a holiday favorite of mine, it's gorgeous and makes an impact, while not being constricting. For my 5'7" frame, the length is perfect to, with low heeled boots, it just misses the ground so my feet can stay comfy too.