WORN: This is 33

Today I'm 33. I wish I had something profound to say about it... but I don't. Do I feel 33? Sometimes yes and sometimes no. One thing I do know is that I am thoroughly enjoying being in my 30s. I never understood people who say your high school years are the best years of your life... frankly, the older I get, the better the years are. Or perhaps I appreciate them more. I've never been one to do the whole 33 before 34 list thing, or whatever it is, but I'll absolutely be setting some goals tonight. It's the new moon, which is pretty amazing, so tonight I plan to give my goals some structure and to let go of the thoughts, feelings, hang-ups and failures that I don't need... that don't serve me. I plan to make 33 a powerful year, one of action and strength and self-acceptance.... but first, some karaoke and dancing, because I'd like this year to also be more fun than all the rest. Cheers friends, let's go eat some cake.
Also, shoutout to Moorea Seal for carrying a pair of over the knee boots that actually go over my knees, don't squish my bodacious thighs and boast a lower (but still something) heel! Perfection.
Also, shoutout to Moorea Seal for carrying a pair of over the knee boots that actually go over my knees, don't squish my bodacious thighs and boast a lower (but still something) heel! Perfection.
Free People dress (similar)