Here & There 2.12

We had a little scare with Zephyr last week. He was fine and then all of a sudden acting weird, the way cats act when they're not feeling well (sort of moody and removed). After 24 hours of close observation he's perfectly fine and back to his old self, after thoroughly scaring both Chris and I.
I've been working hard at destressing and getting back to myself lately. I went to my first hot yoga class on Friday night, a Standing Rock benefit held by Philadelphia Hot Yoga, and loved it. The instructor was great, and it was a fun and relaxed class, focusing on love with Valentine's coming up. I was reminded of how much I love yoga and they way it brings me back to inhabiting my body, washing my overcrowded brain clean for just a little while. I set the intention to do more of it, and have been working to bring more mindfulness into my day-to-day as well. I've been feeling great on that front.
This week will be a crazy one. I'll be in NYC for three days, including Valentine's Day, with a whirlwind of work stuff happening. I can't believe we're already halfway through February?! How is that possible?
How pretty is this handmade leather hair stick?
I just ordered this! Now... what should I read first?! Recommendations please!
Pretty shoes for spring
Free People sale is on sale! Extra 30% off sale items... like this perfect top
So in love with these earrings
What can I do?
Cute Valentine's hearts
What a cute pin set
Should you care?
Love these fun accessories
A model on set was reading this recently... now in my cart (also just got this - can't wait to start filling it out!)
Funny cuz' it's true
Pretty, stylish bags
JK Rowling is slaying Twitter these days
Cool yoga accessories
The power of consumer action
Really want to read this book
A handmade mug subscription box!
Melissa McCarthy is the hero we all needed
Letting go of distractions