Where's Your Desk?

It's taken me awhile to get in the swing of things and form a routine. And even now, months later, I find I still need to make tweaks here and there to keep myself accountable and on-task. One aspect that's been the most difficult to deal with is not having a dedicated workspace. I typically post up at our kitchen island and occasionally sit on the couch if I'm working on a specific type of task, and if I need an escape, or you know, to be around other living, breathing humans, I'll go to the cafe down the block. Otherwise I don't have my own desk, no home office to speak of. This is something I've been thinking of recently - if I did have a dedicated home office space, would I use it? Would it make any difference in the way I work? When we lived in Pittsburgh we had an extra bedroom in both apartments we lived in that pretty much became storage rooms -- but at the same time, I'm now working from home most of the time. Our current apartment doesn't lend the space for a dedicated workspace, and I'd prefer not to move... but I can't help but feel as though I'd benefit from a home office (especially when Zephyr does his 3pm rounds for food).
This line of self-questioning has lead me to wonder where other remote workers call "home". Do you have a desk? A separate office space? Do you work from your couch in your PJs and love it? I'd love to know -- what works for you?