Happy (Holiday) Weekend!

Oh, hi. Hello. Little unintended break there, but I'm back! At least quickly, to tell you to have an amazing holiday weekend (if you're in the US). Are you celebrating? We're headed to a friend's lake house in Jersey today (to say I regret not purchasing this lobster pool float is the understatement of the century) and then tomorrow we're hitting the beach. My brother is in town and I'm so excited to see some family. Life has been a bit of a rollercoaster lately (do I say that every weekend? ... I might say that every weekend...), so I'm excited to get out of my usual routine and spend some quality time with people I love. The next few weeks are sure to be wild, so I'm relaxing while I can. I've been doing a ton of reading lately and finally using the Kindle I bought, I'm halfway through this book and can't recommend it enough - I'm considering purchasing it in actual book form, because it's one I can picture myself referring back to. It's not exactly your average beach read, but it's surprisingly engaging. What are you reading these days? Any recommendations?? Other than that, I'm planning on making a few changes around here over the next couple of months - I can't believe how long it's been since I made any amendments to my design and I've been wanting to change things up for awhile.
Have a happy and safe holiday weekend, I'll be back to regular scheduling next week :) xo
Jess is having a big 4-day sale! I'd definitely scoop up this cool vintage patchwork dress.
I wish I had made this ice cream flag cake for this weekend's festivities, so cute!
Love this cute print
This is super interesting - ever wondered where the '80s aesthetic came from?
Save 15% off dresses from Moorea Seal! Including my absolute favorite dress ever. (Also I just ordered this jumpsuit and I can't wait to wear it!)
Are you a tuner or a spinner?
Save an extra 30% off sale items form Urban Outfitters! Love this cute crop top, this gorgeous maxi dress (perfect for summer weddings), and these fun pool slides (which I may have just ordered)
Being mindful on vacation
The perfect summer beach bags - all those pom poms!
Check out my latest piece for The Style Line - so in love with her work.
How cute is this mini marquee?
A face mask DIY to decongest your summer skin
All about ridiculously printed but totally functional beach blankets this year - I love how bright and big they are!
Made me laugh (seriously, "ma'am")
GAH - these handmade cactus mugs are so damn cute!
Save 40% off select styles from Free People! Love this cute happiness tee.
Oh my heart - this llama planter is so cute