The Secret to Getting Through a Bitterly Cold Winter

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You guys. It's been cold. Like, really cold... -23˚f cold. On the flip side, it's been sunny as hell and I 100% do not regret moving to Maine (thinking back on those city wind tunnels, oof..shiver...) BUT, winter is long here (at least an extra month or so), and therefore, certain survival methodologies must be activated. Chief among them: a fun coat.

Like, a really fun coat. Maybe more than one.

I'm not fooling around here. This season, more and more bright accents have been making their way into my fairly neutral wardrobe, and honestly? It's made a difference in my mood. Last winter I found myself stuck in a rut of sorts, I was traveling back and forth to Brooklyn three times per week, waking up at 5am, and pretty much wore the same thing everyday. Working from home in the middle of the woods? One might expect the same thing to happen, but living here has had a surprising effect on my personal style.

I actually feel inspired again.

So, yeah. Maybe an all-black outfit with a cool coat isn't groundbreaking, but frankly, I think it's a pretty solid outfit equation for when it's cold as hell but you want to look cute. Also, pro tip for you long haired ladies: braids from now 'till April because static is not our friend.


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