Weekend Links

Happy Sunday! It's been a quiet couple of weeks over here... because life has been really fu*&ing busy. Last weekend I celebrated my birthday and we've spent the past four days painting our new place... and we're so totally not done yet. It's a surreal feeling, as though Chris and I have been running a weird marathon for the past 7 months (really for the past * almost * year) that's finally sort of coming to an end. But only sort of, because really it isn't... maybe we're just at a much-needed hydration station of life? Ha! I think that could be a good way of looking at things, because, you know... life has it's up and downs or maybe sprints and rests... I don't know... anyway! I'm keeping my fingers crossed we get moved in by mid-week. As much as it's been a godsend to stay with my mom these past several months, I'm ready to be in my own place again – and decorate. I feel like it's rare to have the opportunity to start over in a sense, and we're planning to make the most of it. Have a lovely week!
It's almost spring (is it though?) which means it's almost kimono season (I'm making this a thing) - love this one
Because we can't ignore it: Four ethicists walk into a super bowl party
The perfect self care gift for Valentine's Day
Speaking of self care - Tether Yourself (a concept for teens that I believe we should all adopt)
Think it's chocolate? Think again. How carob traumatized a generation. This made me laugh.
February wishlist: a pair of cozy pjs, some nice weather so I can wear walkable slides and a great pair of jeans, and a goes-with-everything minimalist bag
These vintage drawer knobs would be pretty on a rehabbed dresser or even reimagined as coat hooks
Valentine's day desserts you can make right now
Spring in Maine is so far away but I can't stop dreaming about it - love this embroidered jacket and these cute as heck jeans
Found! An affordable version of those cute cat eye sunglasses your favorite IG models have been wearing lately (so cute with this dress)
What to do when you worry yourself awake (*slowly raises hand)
Dreaming of the perfect linen duvet cover - love this one
DIY rose chocolate bark for Valentine's Day - simple & delicious!
Love these pretty handmade earrings