Weekend Reading 8.25

Say it with me now: HAPPY! WEEKEND!! Whoo! I can't even begin to say how happy I am to wrap up this week. Don't get me wrong, it was great – but maybe too much of a good thing. Sometimes a non-stop rollercoaster of fun and plans and summer activities is, well, a little overwhelming. On Monday we celebrated our 7th (7th!) wedding anniversary with a day trip out to Peaks Island with some friends. Tuesday we saw the Flaming Lips (incredible). Woke up bright and early for work in New Hampshire on Wednesday, then popped down to Salem, MA for a screening of our friend's brother's movie, Summer of '84, on Thursday night. Woof. I'm tired. In a good way. But tired and ready for some quiet time. I've been loving the slightly cooler temperatures we've been having lately – not gonna say I'm excited for fall (just can't give up all this summer produce just jet), BUT I'll say I'm happy for a drop in temps and a calm-looking September and am mayyyyybe a little excited for fall dressing.
ICYMI - How to wear a mini dress
Look, Halloween is two months away - this would be the perfect thing for a Halloween party (sorry not sorry)
If you feel like laughing
Loving this perfect denim jacket for fall (so cozy!) and this one too (not denim, still cozy!)
In defense of ignoring texts
Summer of rage
Are you looking for the perfect leather biker jacket? Because I found it.
Life with autism
I've been collecting home decor books lately and can't wait to get my hands on this one
These handmade cement containers would look great as planters
Speaking of fall and clothes, just ordered this insanely cozy sweater and can't. wait.
Yummmm these cornmeal blueberry waffles look so good
My favorite pillows are on major sale this weekend! The absolute softest.
Yes please to this renovated Airstream trailer – it's so gorgeous!