Misty Morning
So, this outfit is kind of a rehash from Monday's but I figured I could get away with it because I'm on vacation?

Shirt: Vintage Saks Fifth Avenue via thrift (3.00)
Cardigan: H&M (16.00)
Jeans: BDG via Urban Outfitters (gift)
Shoes: hand-me-down Dexter's from Adria (free)
Necklaces: H&M and J.Crew ($9-14)
This field is one if my favorite places at my mother's house and today it looked beautiful in the mist. I love foggy mornings, and today the fog lasted all day, perfect weather in my opinion. I love how everything looks a little more saturated on foggy days
So far my week has been relaxing, nice because tomorrow (Thanksgiving) will be just about the polar opposite. Chris and I are from the same geographical area, which means we have a lot of family to visit. I'm excited though, I love Thanksgiving! I think it's one of my favorite holidays because it's more about enjoying the company of people you love, whereas Christmas has become so consumer based. I won't go into the whole Christmas tirade, but I have been thinking a lot about what I'm thankful for lately. I tend to complain about a lot of stuff but in the end I know I am lucky to have what I have. So, in the spirit of the holiday, a top ten:
I am thankful that...
1. I have a job I can complain about in a time when many of us don't.
2. I have clothes on my back.
3. I have a car that gets me where I want to go.
4. I have a family to visit and spend time with.
5. I have leftovers to eat.
6. I have a few good friends who understand me.
7. I can go to the doctor if I am sick.
8. I have a significant other who I can fall back on for support.
9. I have a warm apartment to go home to.
10. I have options.
So, my wonderful readers, what are you thankful for this year?