Sleepy Monday (plus, a little "over the weekend" too)
Oh Monday, you are a cruel mistress...

Blazer: Van Heusen via thrift (2.00)
Striped Shirt: H&M (24.00)
Jeans: BDG via Urban Outfitters (gift)
Shoes: Target (6.99 sale)
Necklace: H&M (9.00)
Ring: Forever 21 (3.00)
Did everyone manage to drag themselves to work on time this morning? I barely made it. I was definitely still in vacation mode, which made it seriously hard to wake-up and also informed my fashion choices: I just wanted something comfortable and easy. I love the relaxed, boxy fit of this boys blazer and coupled with the super stretchy skinny jeans, I almost felt like I was wearing pajamas! I've been wearing these flats a lot lately too, I love how the pointy toe makes up for the flat shape and adds some length to my legs. I've been searching for a pair of decent (I have high standards) heels forever, so until I find them, the pointy toe flats will have to do!
I'm grouping my "Over the Weekend" post in with this one, because I don't have much photographic evidence. My brother and his girlfriend came down from Maine for a visit, and on Sunday we went to Boston:

We ate bagels and window shopped.