Daily Style...

Shirt: Vintage Stock via Salvation Army (2.99)
Skirt: Vintage via Salvation Army (1.99)
Shoes: Urban Outfitters (19.99 sale)
Belt: Vintage via Flea Market (2.00)
Tights: TjMaxx (4.99)
Necklace: J.Crew (14.99 sale)
I was really excited to find an outfit in which to wear this shirt. I bought it a while ago on a trip to Maine, but until now I wasn't sure how to wear it. I love the rough texture of the material, and if you look closely you'll see flecks of blue, purple, and pink in the white plaid. I thought it had a bit of a cowboy vibe, so I paired it with this suede skirt and south-western-esque beaded belt.
So much for the snow we were expecting, I have to admit I had gotten my hopes up that the school would be closed for a snow day today. Unfortunately the weather was spectacularly crappy, and I still had to go to work. Further north of us got hit with serious snow, but all we got was buckets of rain/sleet and super gusty winds. So this miserable turn of events is why my photos are indoors. I have to admit, I hate taking pictures in my apartment- the light is low, there isn't much space and my two cats tend to take over- wah, wah, wah, right?
Work was quiet and slow today, which just made me want to sleep. To add insult to injury I came home to this:

Cats are jerks, they always look so cozy. There are two in there by the way- they smush themselves into their kitten basket even though technically they are both too big.