Questions, Questions, Questions...

Shirt & Necklace: J.Crew
This image is a quick peek at what I was up to last night (more to come on Monday). I apologize for the lame posting for Thursday and Friday, the weather has really taken a turn and it's freezing out, which makes it hard to motivate myself to stand outside without a coat. No worries though, things will be back to normal on Monday! I'll just suck it up!
Anyway, I was recently tagged by the lovely and talented (have you seen her jewelry?) Ash of the blog GoldLeaf to answer some questions. The questions themselves reminded me a little too much of those MySpace quizzes people used to fill out all the time, so i figured I would open the floor up to all of you, my incredible and wonderful readers. I know I'm flattering myself by thinking that you're even remotely interested in me beyond what I post here, and I don't want to come off as narcissistic. I just figured it would be a good way to shake things up a bit, so tell me: What do you want to know?
I'll list my answers next week in a post.
I hope each and every one of you has an amazing weekend and thank you all so much for reading Orchid Grey!