"It ain't what you do, it's the way that you do it"- Iris Apfel

Photo credit for above two photos: Steven Speliotis
Who's had a busy weekend? Answer: this girl. So busy in fact, that it's going to take two posts to wrap it all up! This post is dedicated to my Friday night.
The Peabody Essex Museum is a fabulous local fine art's museum in Salem that hosts amazing exhibitions, the most recent being Rare Bird of Fashion: The Irreverent Iris Apfel. On Friday Jen and I attended the Night With Iris Apfel, where the "Rare Bird" herself gave a talk, along with a fashion show hosted by Modern Millie's vintage boutique. The crowd was decidedly older, which made for an interesting mix of people- many from the North Shore as well as quite a few folks who trekked up from Boston. Even though the majority of people there were over 50, we had such a good time! It was great to see Jen again and drink wine and meet new friends! We even saw a couple of people who will be participating in Saturday's Boston Fashion Blogger Mixer.
At the end of the night we even snagged a photo with Iris:

Image courtesy of Lauren Beesley
She was incredibly sweet and didn't seem to mind taking one more photo- even though she must have been so tired.
She called us "foah chicks".
Yes, she is wearing fuzzy car dice around her neck. This woman is amazing- I can only hope to be so fabulous when I'm her age!