Over the Weekend...
So, as I mentioned in my last post, I had quite a weekend! This is the second half, and because things were disjointed to begin with- I'm starting with Sunday first. Sunday was Boston's Bazaar Bizarre Holiday Craft Fair! This year it was held at the Cyclorama, which was much larger compared to last years locale. The line moved quickly, and soon we were in! Chris and i both found treasures at the Outside the Lines Studio booth. Outside the lines is an arts-based program for creative individuals who have developmental and physical disabilities, the artists sell their work in a studio setting most days, and receive 85% of the profit.
Us, with our new art:

I bought a cute stuffed lobster (I love lobsters... residual effects of growing up in Maine!) and Chris bought a beautiful colored pencil piece (we think it looks like a cross between Picasso and Cezanne, with a little early Warhol thrown in). We're both really excited to find a place in our apartment for both pieces!

Our newlywed friends Sam and Dan came along with us. It was really cold!:

I love going to these fairs because I always run into someone I know. This time is was Elise from Argyle Whale! Elise and I went to school together and were also in the same Senior Thesis Show, I have admired her work for years and it's so exciting to see her find success with Argyle Whale! She is also one of the nicest and happiest people ever.

One of the most exciting things that happened this weekend is that it finally snowed! We have been having some very unseasonably warm weather but it looks like we've turned the corner at last! I forced myself out of bed at 7:20 am on a Sunday to take these photos on our roof, just to show you how pretty it was:

Ok, now on to Saturday, which was a little simpler. I worked in the morning and then helped my friend Lillie photograph her artwork for her graduate portfolio. We had a great time in the studio, despite how tired we both were from busy weeks. I like being in the photo studio, too- I'm usually stuck photographing events and don't get to play around with lighting very often.
Lillie's work is amazing, she crocheted the three figures below all by hand, she said each one took about 35 hours!:

How was your weekend? Did you get any snow?