Over the Weekend...
So as I mentioned in last Thursdays post, Chris and I went to my mom's house in Maine this past weekend. The weather looked like it would be pleasant and perfect for snowboarding, so we made plans to head to the mountain on Saturday. It was so nice being somewhere that has NICE snow- not the mashed potato mush of Boston!
The view driving down my mom's road is pretty amazing when it's clear out (the white peak is Mt. Washington)...

What's great about our local mountain is that it's almost guaranteed you will find someone to ride with, and true to form we ran into our friend Shawn in the parking lot! WInters in our town were never boring, it's great having so many mountains around, my brother even has time to come here during his study hall...

Chris and I looking pretty gnar after deciding we were old and crotchety and swapping the slopes for hot chocolate...

My brother has the most amazing one-piece snowsuit I have ever seen. He got it super cheap at the local charity shop, and it makes spotting him on the mountain extremely easy (what's missing is his leopard-print scarf and lime green helmet) ...

It was so nice to get away for the city and see friends and snow and family, I'm really looking forward to going back up!