White Collar Boy
Can you guess what I'm standing in front of here? think....creepy van....yes, but awesome colors too

Jacket: J.Crew outlet (20.00?)
Sweater: Thrifted J.Crew (3.99)
Shirt: Thrifted Gap (2.00?)
Shorts: J.Crew outlet (15.00?)
Tights: Target & Tjmaxx
Shoes: DIY
Specs: Urban Outfitters
Despite feeling completely uninspired lately, I feel like things came together this morning. I really love this outfit. What is it about this time of year that is just...a little blah? Is it all the "spring preview" emails in my inbox? I think that might have something to do with it. We're experiencing a little January thaw this week, so the weather was unseasonably warm, maybe 40 degrees? It was refreshing to be able to spend some actual time on my photos, and I really like how they came out. I wasn't necessarily going for a school-boy vibe, but I like how it turned out! I'll share little not-so-secret with you too, many people ask me how I can stand to wear skirts and dresses in the wintertime, the trick is to wear two pairs of tights- the second pair really blocks out the wind! Also, I spent way too long making my first .gif file tonight. I don't know how I feel about it. It kind of hurts my eyes...

I loved reading all of your responses to yesterday's post, you all had such lovely things to say!