Cinnamon girl

I've been watching a lot of old Sex and the City lately, been very inspired by Carrie's hair.

Top: H&M (5.90)
Jeans: BDG from Urban Outfitters (gift)
Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell (40.00)
Necklace: Dolly and Boy
Bracelets: gifts from various grandparents
How was everyone's weekend? Mine was extremely relaxing but unbelievably rainy, hence no photos today. The rain finally stopped this morning and it ended up being a beautiful day. I'm so excited for daylight savings time, it's great getting home after work and still having a good amount of sunlight left.

I opted for comfort today, I knew I would be sitting in my office all day... actually that's a total lie... I'm wearing this because I woke up 30 minutes before I had to be at work!

I hope everyone had a great weekend! I'm off to do super secret blogg-y things and watch MST-3K!