Heaven knows I'm miserable now
(Oh, Morrissey, you speak to my congested head! )

Shirt: Marshalls (9.00)
Jeans: H&M (24.00)
Shoes: Sperry's via thrift (7.00)
Sunnies: Fred Flare (11.00)
Necklace: Dolly and Boy
Ugh what a week, I know I shouldn't apologize for not blogging this week but I hate getting off my normal schedule. Truth is, I've been out of commission with the worst cold for the past two days. I'm tired, I'm stuffy, I'm achy...I'm absolutely useless. I did have to make a run for supplies this afternoon, which is why I'm posting pictures: I refuse to go to the store in pajama pants. Unacceptable to me, I know I would probably be better off most times if I just sucked it up and went without worrying what I looked like, but I can't, I have to get dressed. So, this is what I put on, because it's incredibly beautiful out today too, I felt a little springy as I schlepped out of Target carrying my Tylenol Cold and Tissues. I was definitely that woman who refused to remove her sunnies indoors, because what lies beneath them is too scary for the public. I am such a baby when I'm sick and it shows.

I also thought I would show you a couple of special finds I've come across in my thrifting. Chris and I usually hit up Savers and Salvation Army every weekend, and they have both been incredibly fruitful lately. I think everyone is cleaning out their closets for Spring!

Boots: Justin via Savers (8.00)
I was so excited to find these Justin boots the other day at Savers. I have been lurking a few pairs on ebay, but really wasn't down for paying too much for used shoes. Well, another case of "good things come to those who wait"! They are in amazing condition, and I'm so excited to pair them with chambray and floral dresses this spring!

Bag: Vintage via "Sallies" (10.00)
Another thing I spotted and clutched to my chest: This vintage Mexican stamped leather bag. It still had the tags on it from the 60's! At first I didn't think it was real leather because of how new it was, but it is. Even more, there was a rolled up Mexican newspaper inside from 1962!
Thrift shopping can be such a frustrating thing sometimes, digging through all those racks of clothes, finding something amazing and not having it fit, but these little triumphs make it all worth it. Knowing you found something amazing for almost nothing!
Well, I'm off to go take more medicine and hunker down with Glamour and more SATC DVD's! Hope you lovelies are all well!