Over the Weekend...

Dress: American Apparel thrifted ($5)
Belt: Vintage from friend
Bag: Thrifted ($10)
Necklace: Dolly & Boy
Sunglasses: Fred Flare ($11)
Sandals: Volcom courtesy of PacSun Spring Break Crew
Hat: Target ($10 sale)

How was everyone's weekend? Mine was great! For the first time in a long time I actually feel like I had a weekend. It can be really difficult to allow myself to relax and not worry/think about work and projects, and I typically have to work a lot of Saturdays at the College. But not this weekend! Saturday was nice but windy so Chris and I made a trip to Savers where I picked up this cute t-shirt dress by American Apparel (I also found a cute vintage kilt for winter, and a Dolly Parton album). It was perfect for a weekend spent doing relaxing things. On Sunday morning we rose semi-early and headed to the weekly flea market up in Rowley. I love this Summer ritual of ours, it gets us both up early and we get to spend some much needed time together. Chris found that beautiful stamped silver cigarette case, and I found a hanging planter for my growing collection of jade plants. The rest of the day was spent lounging at the sea-side park down the street, eating gelato, and snuggling cats and it ended at a roof-top pot luck with friends. Such a lovely time! Also, you may be noticing things are looking a little different around here! I have a new template which my amazingly talented friend Erica patiently created for me, thanks Lady!
Today's weather was grey and cold, a far cry from the predicted 74 degrees Weather.com was boasting today. Summer seems to be holding out on us! How was your weekend?
PS- I updated Shop Orchid's Closet this afternoon! Five new items are available in various sizes!