Song for Sunshine

Jacket: J.Crew outlet ($15 ?)
Shirt: J.Crew outlet ($15)
Belt: Vintage from friend
Skirt: Urban outfitters ($20)
Tights: Urban Outfitters ($4)
Bracelet: Modern Millie's ($4)
Shoes: Nine West via Swap
Necklace: Noble Town Vintage
Another grey and cloudy day, I'm so glad I decided not to pack away these blue tights with the rest of my winter things. It always seems to be the case that I pack up my cold weather gear in anticipation of summer, and BOOM, it's cold, dark and rainy the next day. I guess that's what you get with New England. I wanted to keep things summery but warm today, so I chose to go a little nautical. I love tan, blue and white together, and adding just a small pop of red (rather than red tights) keeps things from getting too 4th of July.
I got these awesome shoes at the swap last week:

I honestly don't have too much to say today, I always feel so weird about sharing the not-so-good side of life on this blog (I am afraid of boring people) but honestly work and life both have me run into the ground. Chris and I may be getting a new car soon, our Volvo has been having countless problems lately which makes me sad and I think it's just time to cut our losses. I hate looking for new cars, it took me nearly a month to settle on the one I have now and other than the major (expensive too) issues it's had, I really like it. I'm really looking forward to another weekend with no plans! Sorry for the rant, I've had an amazingly long day.
Have a good night!