Preservation society

Chambray Shirt: J.Crew Outlet ($40)
Skirt: Thrifted and altered ($5)
Belt: Thrifted (gift from mom)
Wedges: Karen Milton via Buffalo Exc. ($40)
Necklace: c/o Noble Town Vintage
See? I told you I would be wearing this shirt a lot! I have actually had this skirt sitting in my closet for a long time, with not decent looking top to pair it with, well this chambray top is quickly finding its place among my clothes! When I first bought this skirt from Savers, it was about two feet longer and quite dowdy, but I loved the floral pattern and it was made of high quality material. When I brought it home I cut off the extra length and did a blind stitch hem, and now it's (nearly) perfect! I'll actually be doing some tutorials on hemming very soon, so let me know if you have any questions!

When I was out looking for locations the other day I noticed that roses had bloomed next to one of my favorite spots. I thought they were a perfect backdrop for my floral skirt! I love how tightly wound the petals are, and they really are that bright neon! Well, I'm keeping things short tonight, I'm off to pub trivia!
Don't forget to enter my Fred Flare Sunglasses Giveaway!