Summer roads
Hi! How was everybody's weekend? Mine was fantastic! I seem to be completely unable to take decent weekend photos these days, but managed a few outfit shots when Chris and I were in Rockport yesterday. This weekend was so beautiful, but hazy, which is- I guess- due to the fires in Quebec (If I have any Quebecois readers, I hope you are ok!).

Shirt: J.Crew outlet ($40 sale)
SHorts: J.Crew outlet ($17 sale)
Belt: Vintage Thrift (from Mom)
Bag: Thrifted ($10)
Sunnies: Vintage Thrift ($2)
Sandals: c/o PacSun Spring Break Crew
Photos: Chris
I admit, I felt a little like a walking J.Crew billboard yesterday, I rarely wear all things from the same company but Chris and I stopped in the outlet while we were home in New Hampshire visiting family and this chambray shirt and colorful shorts just seemed to work together. I've been on the hunt for a nice chambray shirt for awhile now, and while this one was a little more money than I'm used to spending it was worth it for the fit. You'll most likely be seeing a lot of this shirt, it's so soft and breezy and goes with practically everything. Perfect for the humid weather! I was drawn to these shorts for the colors, I love bright colors and unexpected patterns, and they have a low, vintage-y fit. Like 60's short-shorts or something.

This overlook is one of our favorite spots, it looks down on the town and is away from the touristy mayhem. We just spent the day wandering around and lazing about on the warm rocks. A nice way to recover from our time spent up north visiting our families on Saturday and Sunday!
Thank you all for your response to my last post, I loved reading your comments about what you would like to see more of (and of course what is already working just fine!)! I have a lot planned, so stay tuned!
Happy June!