Last Vestige
Winter is in the air!

Sweater: c/o Modcloth
Dress: Thrifted ($3)
Shoes: Vintage Thrifted ($3)
Tights: American Apparel
Belt: American Apparel
Spy Glass Necklace: From local museum ($8)
Braided chain necklace c/o Noble Town Vintage
A rather solitary and quiet weekend. Chris has been working crazy hours in Boston at the Snow Expo since Wednesday, and staying at a friends house there. I think this has been the longest we've spent apart since my crazy travel-season times at The College last fall. It's weird, I've missed him a lot, but I've also just enjoyed having some time alone and to think. Sometimes thats what I need, I'm not naturally a very social person. Don't get me wrong, I love being around people, but sometimes I think if left to my own devices I could very easily become a shut in. I'm perfectly happy puttering around my apartment and talking to my cats all day. Which probably means I'm somewhat crazy, which is a fact that I'm fine with. Anyway, I've been thinking a lot about my relationship with art lately, I'm going to be writing a longer post on it later in the week, but what my thoughts come down to- essentially- is this: I miss the passion that I once felt for art-making. I know all artists experience these feelings, but rather than waxing and waning, my desire to create has been more on the waning side for a very long time. Anyways, these aren't thoughts that I'm going to allow to be pushed aside in my brain, I'll be posting a little more on the topic and a new project dealing with the subject on Thursday.
I feel as though these photos are the perfect accompaniment to my thoughts and feelings for today, when I went to the park today to take photos, it was completely deserted. I hate it when I make the effort to get to a photo location and it's just filled with people, so i really enjoyed being able to explore this little area. lots of people get married in this section of the park, it's a nice little garden in the spring and summer, but I prefer it in the fall when it's desolate. it feels like the secret garden! My dress is actually a product of frustration, on Saturday I was feeling uninspired and remembered that I bought this dress months ago with the intention of hemming it and making the bodice tighter. Well, I'm so glad I let the project sit! Instead of hemming it i just cut off the bottom and cinched the waist with a belt, I love the slouchy silhouette, frayed hem, and pretty floral print. Also, I'm completely obsessed with loafers lately. I had been looking for the perfectly distressed, used pair and I finally found them at that Savers sale on Thursday. I haven't taken them off since. Also, I meant to take a better photo of my spy-glass necklace, but my camera was acting crazy, I found this in the children's shop at a local ship-building museum where a friend works. It's still up for debate as to whether or not it actually magnifies things or just makes them appear closer because you're looking through a tiny lens. Who knows.

Did everyone have a nice weekend? What did you do?
(Besides all that thinking, I also baked brownies and a quiche, and watched Gone With the Wind for the first time)