Educated Guess

Cape c/o Haberdash Vintage
Top: J.Crew ($10-ish)
Belt: J.Crew Outlet ($19)
Skirt: Vintage Thrift ($5)
Cardigan: LOFT (swapped)
Thigh Highs: c/o ModCloth
Clogs: c/o ModCloth
I had a surprise day off yesterday (though well deserved considering the hours I worked on Wednesday), and it was beautiful outside. New England has been shrouded in rain and clouds for the past week, and the sun finally came out and treated us to a warm-ish day. Warm being completely relative, it was only 50*f. For most of the day I had that great feeling of having the day off when everybody else is at work, that is until I realized that it was Veterans Day and everybody else had the day off too. Boo. All was not lost however, I made a trip to Savers for some mid-week thrifting (the best kind) and discovered they were having a sale: I got four pairs of shoes and a book about cats for $16!
It's always nice to have the day off and be able to utilize what's in my closet. I found this cute skirt last weekend when Chris and I went thrift shopping, I loved the buttons down the front and the interwoven colors. Perfect paired with some clogs and the most amazing cape ever.
Are you excited it's Friday? I am so excited to sleep in tomorrow and do nothing!

Happy Weekend!
Don't forget to enter the giveaway!