Love Story

Hat: Vintage from Chris's side of the closet
Sweater: Vintage thrifted ($5)
Belt: Vintage Thrifted ($3)
Suede Skirt: Vintage Thrifted ($6)
Knee Highs: American Apparel (from work)
Platforms: Buffalo Exchange ($40)
Bag: Vintage Dooney & Bourke ($10-ish)
This outfit made me feel like Ali MacGraw in Love Story, I can't say I intentionally set out to mimic her 70's laid back glamour, but I feel like it just happened. There's something about autumn that just goes with 70's style, maybe it's how the colors of the clothes mimic the leaves. I've been so inspired by actresses and singers from the 70's lately: Carly Simon, Ali MagGraw, and Shelly Duval. I think it's the length that my hair is getting, it's calling to be topped with a wide brim hat...or maybe it's just that my hair has been super messy lately and calling to just be covered up! Either way, I like it. Chris found this vintage felt hat this past spring at a flea market, he wears it on occasion and it looks surprisingly good on him, for being a wide brim. As you can tell from it's multiple appearances on this blog, I've kidnapped it.
We've officially made Saturdays "thrift shopping days" around here, this past weekend Chris and I hit up a couple of local stores and while I can't say I came away with a huge haul, I'm very pleased with what I found. I'm not usually a fabric snob, but when it comes to sweaters I insist on quality, even when thrifted (which the majority of my sweaters are). There's nothing worse than a cheap, pilled-up, sweater. So, you can imagine my excitement when I found this vintage, caramel-colored, cashmere number for a mere $5. It's perfect and was so warm on an extremely cold day! I loved how it looked paired with the orange suede skirt I found the same day, and similarly colored accessories. I think monochrome, when done right, can be really beautiful. The rest of what I found wasn't super exciting: some stoneware mugs, a pair of work shoes, and a gift for my brother who is coming home from Colorado in a month (!).

Do you have a favorite fashion-decade? Stay tuned for a giveaway tomorrow!