2010 Re-Cap: Part 1
Wow, I really can't believe it's the last day of 2010, this year has just completely flown by! I'm going to do a re-cap of the year in two parts sharing some of my favorite memories, today is part one and I meant to have part two ready for this afternoon, but these things take longer than expected so it'll be later in the weekend. In part one we'll look back on January through June:


In January things were pretty quiet, I introduced my second "Hair-Do How-To" and I had my first magazine feature (and promptly ordered five copies)!

In February we introduced the Delightful Dozen, I celebrated Valentines day with my sweetheart, Bea and I had our second collaborative show with This Collective Pull, and Jen and I travelled to NYC where she told me she was expecting baby Rowan and we celebrated NYFW with some amazing ladies!

In March Chris and I attended the illustrious Trashfinders Ball, I launched a third "Hair-Do How-To", I found some amazing shoes, and professed my undying love for Barbie. Oh and Zephyr finally got his close-up.

In April, I was ecstatic to announce that I had been chosen as ModCloth's "Blogger of the Moment", I debuted the "Orchid Grey Dress", Chris and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary, and i showed you one of my favorite places.

In May I introduced you to the Swapaholics, I appreciated my body in "Dress Your Best Week", I started taking better care of myself, and the weather finally got warmer!

In June my little brother shocked everyone and graduated from high school, I celebrated the one year anniversary of Orchid Grey, I watched two wonderful people get married, somewhere in there I left my job as an admissions counselor, and i posted more photos from the swap!
I'll be posting July through September later on this weekend so stay tuned!
Have a happy and safe New Year!