2010 Re-Cap: Part 2
Thank you all for the kind words on my 2010 Re-cap: part 1 post. 2010 was really an amazing year, I know I'm a little late posting the second part of my re-cap, but I always seem to forget that spending the weekends in Maine also mean spending the weekend sans technology! Anyways, today I'm looking back on the second part of 2010: July through December:


July was probably the best month of this year, looking back I realize that so much happened! The most exciting thing this year was when Chris proposed to me, my brother moved to Colorado, Jen and I went to New York, we visited our favorite New England city, and I modeled for Jess LC.

Looking back on August, I can definitely tell I was getting a little sick of the summer heat! Chris came with me to another Swap, I shared some of my finds, and I showed off my bike for a day at the races.

In September, Chris and I celebrated fall, I travelled to Northampton with Bea to visit friends, I posted another how-to, and channelled Maude.

October featured some of my favorite outfits to date. I celebrated Boston Fashion Week, went to a wedding in New Hampshire, and celebrated Halloween.

November was a decidedly sleepy month, I reached the end of my rope with my job and which lead to me finally standing up for myself in the beginning of December. Looking back I can see how miserable I was, but at the same time it was a turning point in my emotional growth. Not much was happening in my life because I was working all the time, and was generally not healthy. I did make time to find some "Love Story" inspiration, take some photos in the park, and spend some time with my family.

Things improved in December, I did something I had never done before and quit my job, and I've never been more energized! Chris and I also went to Cape Cod to see family, I was featured in N.E.E.T., I got a new haircut, and survived the first storm of the season!
As much as these posts are time consuming, I think it was really good for me to look back on such a crazy year. The past couple of months have made it very easy to focus on the negative side of things, but putting everything down "on paper" has allowed me to realize how good 2010 really was. Out of the negative things (terrible jobs, financial instability, etc.) came some of the most positive aspects of life in 2010, and I'm so looking forward to 2011! Thank you all for joining me this past year, I hope you will stick with me for 2011, it's going to be great!